4 Şubat 2011 Cuma


Language acquisition
       It is the process of learning native or second language. Babies are biologically ready to acquire, store and differentiate 2 languages. L.a. is a systematic process and affected by environment and social context. Having the opportuntiy to speak actively is also important. Personal attitudes towards lang. Learning and motivation affect the success. Acquisition of L2/L3.. may affect our identities and social roles (majority/minority groups). Language learning may change how we think of ourselves, how other see us (e.g. change our identity from an immigrant to a californian) and it is helpful to create developing multiple identities.
       Second Language acquisition may be simultaneous or sequental.
       It has some steps; 1)firstly mixed lexicon     2)find the synonyms “Baum/tree”    3) seperation due to function “spiegel in bedroom, mirror in toilet”
       Appropriate language matching…..2 different language systems?
       Reasons for learning L2; societal( assimilation, harmony, economic and trade reasons, communication with people from all over the world, promote intercultural understanding) and individual (integrative and instrumental)

Features of bilingualism
  • İnterference:  use of features belonging 1 language while speaking or writing other language/s.
1. phonological level: foreign accent,
2.grammatical level: ıch hab das auf dem fernsehen gesehen  
3.Lexical level: ich habe den bus vermisst (borrowing a word from other language unconciously)
4. interference in spelling: gehapt, canst du..
  • Borrowing: borrowing words from other lang. E.g. der computer, ich skype
  • Code switching:  the alternative use of 2 languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation/one language is allways more dominant e.g. come to table, das essen ist fertig
  • Code mixing: combining of elements from 2 languages in a single utterance e.g. play mit wasser, leo un magazine
Basic components of languages are phonology, semantics, grammar and pragmatics (how human can use language in particular social settings)
       Functions of code switching:
-emphasize a particular point in conversation
-practical; when a person doesnt know a word in a language that person may use the word in another language
-to Express a concept that is related with the culture of other language
-to clarify a point
-to Express identitiy
-to exclude people from a conversation
- it occurs regularly when certain topics are introduced (spanish, english talking about Money)
-valuable linguistic tool
-will vary according to who is in the conversation, what the topic is, what kind of context in conversation occurs.
-social, economic, political and sembolic factors may influence code switching

       The school has been the major institution expected to produce L2. the language policy of schools towards languages (especially minority languages) is important. Prestije of the languages effect the policy of school.  there is no problem by teaching english but there are different language policies by teaching minorty languages. E.g. the school in kreuzberg and wedding.  when the school doesnt support immigrant languages, reproduction of those languages in the family may not be enough for language maintenance. This is not to warn against early bilinguailsm but rather to suggest that the minority languages need support and care.  There may be voluntary language classes but those classes may be for religious, cultural, social, integrative and ethnic minority vitality reasons. People can learn languge in private courses, evening classes or by distance learning methods.
        People learn to read, write and communicate in foreign languages. They also learn the discourse of academic disciplines.
        İmmersion education: this kind of education aims at fluency in the foreign language. They may begin in kindergarten or grade one. Half of the students will be native speakers of majority/mnority lang. E.g. europaschulen
        Dual language learning programmes: native language classes dont teach academic subjects. Students learn to all of their academic subjects in the 2. language.e.g. privat schools and universities in turkey.

Language policy
       There have been steps with the european reference framework
       Schools can function as instruments of reproduction of ideologies
       Language policy in relation with current political positions
       Today language policy discussions appear to be more balanced than before
       There is no single ideology of policy planing. And its hard to categorize language policies.
       Overt/covert language policies e.g. USA
       The policy of a society in the area of linguistic communication. It is affected by behaviors, assumptions, cultural forms, prejudices, folk belief systems, traditions, stereotypes,ways of languages and religio-historical conditions.

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